Saturday, May 29, 2010

Celebrity week - The B List

This past week we had Crosby, Stills and Nash stay at the hotel.  They we probably one of the easiest bands to have in the hotel.  I even got a thank you from Nash when he was leaving for his amenity.  That has never happened.  Even regular guests never thank me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Working Weekends

I just spent 12 hours at work.  Today was the first full day of a new group.  The client is a very nice man and the group seems to be made up of mostly southerners.  I actually didn't need to be there but if I hadn't been, that's when something would have gone wrong.  Besides, if I hadn't been there and stayed home, I would have been completely paranoid that something would go wrong.  I have to say the staff at my hotel are the best.  I work very cl osely with Banquets and the Front Desk staff.  They are constantly looking out for me and I for them.

Tomorrow is another day at work.  I should hopefully be out of there by 3:00 if not sooner.  I won't have a day off until next weekend.  I be exhausted by then.